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Artifact #7 - Final E-portfolio

E-portfolio assignment is one of the most interesting assignment of my course. It is a very enjoyable and educational for me. the whole world is trapped in digital industry and technology. because of this assignment I came to know how I can explore the field of my work. Weebly, Wix and so many other digital platforms are much helpful for the student, presentations are more interesting by using this technology. i would like to very thankful to our professor MR. Towid Shams , because of him we are able to know about the use of these platform in our course and also in our future.

Skills- writing, editing, creativity, verbal skills are polished through this assignment.

Knowledge- digital platforms such as Wix and Weebly are explored and I am able know know about this things how to use and how much they are useful for me.

Behavior change- Before that traditional method are complicated and outdated, but now I am presenting my self in a different way with full of confidence.

Future- this assignment definitely useful in my future I am pretty sure about it.

Special Thanks to Prof.-Mr. Towid Shams .

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